A robot invasion

How can journalists survive the AI invasion?

Do journalists need to worry about Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content taking their jobs? Here are five areas that journalists can excel at and where AI generated content is poor.

In-depth and investigative reporting
AI content is typically designed to generate basic information or summaries, like this blog post. AI is not well-suited to complex or investigative reporting. By focusing on these areas, journalists can provide value and expertise that AI content cannot match.

Providing human perspective and analysis
AI content is not capable of providing the human perspective or analysis that is unique to journalists. By highlighting their personal experiences and insights, journalists can differentiate themselves from AI content and provide value to their readers.

Using multimedia and interactive formats
AI content is typically limited to text-based formats. Journalists can use multimedia and interactive formats to create engaging and immersive experiences that AI content cannot match.

Having a personal brand
In a world where information is easily accessible, journalists can differentiate themselves by building a personal brand and audience. A loyal and engaged following is less likely to be swayed by AI content.

Collaborating with experts
AI content is limited by the data and information it has been trained on. Journalists can collaborate with experts to provide a more comprehensive, accurate and current view of the world. The Dot Star Media journalist enquiry service can help journalists find expert sources from businesses, charities and universities.

diagram showing how the journalist enquiry service works