We’re including links in our journalist request alerts to journalists’ recent article pages on Muck Rack. Reviewing a journalists’ recent articles can provide information on their typical content and writing style. Familiarity with a journalist’s work can help when tailoring a pitch. For example, you might be able to see how a journalist has used quotes from spokespeople, or the way in which brands have been mentioned, or if the outlet the journalist is writing for has provided outbound links.
Recent article links on alert emails
You’ll find the links to recent articles in the ‘Links’ section on the journalist request email alert. Recent article links also appear in the Slack and Microsoft Teams journalist request alerts.

After reviewing a few possible options we decided to link to Muck Rack’s public journalist profiles because they provide recent article coverage for most of the UK and Irish journalists who are posting journalist requests.
Journalist request: information links
Most Dot Star Media journalist request alerts include four ‘additional information’ links.
- Previous journalist requests page on Dot Star Media
- Recent articles page on Muck Rack
- Link to the journalist’s Twitter profile
- Link to the journalist’s LinkedIn profile

There is sometimes a fifth link, as we research and add links to journalists own websites and portfolio pages.
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To receive Dot Star Media journalist requests for yourself please register for a two-week free trial at https://dotstar.media/register.
Journalists can submit media requests at https://dotstar.media/submit.