
How to find previous journalist requests

We’ve added a page on the Dot Star Media service that gathers together an individual journalist’s previous requests. This includes requests sourced from Twitter and any that a journalist has submitted directly on our journalist enquiry submit form.

Why previous journalist requests are useful

Looking through earlier requests can help you better understand the journalist’s typical style and the subjects they have already covered. This is especially useful if you’ve never pitched the journalist before and can help you improve your pitch.

Previous journalist requests

How to see previous journalist requests

To view a journalist’s previous requests click on the ‘Previous Requests’ link in the alert email.

View previous requests link

If you are receiving your media request alerts in Slack or Microsoft Teams click the ‘View previous requests’ links that appear at the bottom of each alert.

Slack/teams - view previous requests

How to find previous journalist requests in your Dot Star Media account

Log in to your account on and go to the Enquiry Search or Recent Alerts page. Then just click the profile picture or name of any journalist to go to a list of their previous requests.

Enquiry search page

We hope this feature makes Dot Star Media even more useful for subscribers and journalists. Do let us know what you think.

Active filter indicators for journalist requests

User interface update

We’ve added text to the profile page to indicate whether filters are active and affecting your journalist request feed.

Keyword filters, when applied, reduce the number of requests that you receive by excluding all requests except those that include your keyword. The new indicators serve as a visual reminder that filters are being applied.

Active filter indicators for journalist requests

Keywords are great for ‘single-issue’ organisations

Keyword filters are particularly useful for single-issue organisations who can find the individual Dot Star Media topics too broad. Say you are looking to get some media coverage for a nature reserve you might choose to receive only journalist requests that include words like: ecology, ecosystems, environment, trees, plants, bio-diversity, biology, wildlife, nature, reserve, environment, etc, etc

Using keyword suggestions

Getting into a journalist’s head and thinking of all the possible keywords that you want to be alerted on isn’t easy. To assist with the process, as you enter keywords we’ll automatically suggest possible related terms – click on these to add them as keywords.

Artificial intelligence based keyword finder tool


For help and advice on getting your keywords right please contact us. We’d like to help.

Advanced filtering of journalist request alerts

When your interest is in a specialist subject, or you have niche clients to promote, our individual topics can deliver a range of journalist requests that is too broad for your needs.

For example, a wildlife conservation charity may find requests delivered in the ‘Pets & Animals’ topic deliver domestic dog and cat related requests that aren’t relevant for them. In these situations we recommend keyword filtering to improve the relevancy ratio of journalist requests received.

The wildlife conservation charity could enter a long list of relevant keywords around the topic of conservation and only receive journalist requests that include one of their keywords. A simple keyword list could look like this:

Basic keyword filtering works by matching from the beginning of a word. For example, ‘restaurant’ would match ‘restaurant‘, ‘restaurants’ and ‘restauranter’. But the keyword ‘restaurants’ wouldn’t alert on a request including the word ‘restaurant’. So it’s important to take care when entering keywords, and think about the words entered.

Using regular expressions

In some sectors, like science and technology, acronyms are popular. Filtering on acronyms can return false positives. Take ‘artificial intelligence’, which can appear in requests as the acronym ‘AI’ or ‘#AI’ or ‘AI/ML’. If you use the simple keyword of ‘AI’ you would also receive matches on words that begin with ‘ai’, such as ‘aircraft’, ‘aim’, ‘aid’.

To get round this we have enabled regular expressions on the keyword search. In the image below the word ‘ai’ is given a word boundary, allowing us to perform a whole word search. This stops alerts on ‘airport’, but continues to alert on ‘AI’.

Usefully, the word boundary ignores non-word characters such as slashes and hashtags, so this will still trigger alerts for mentions of ‘AI’ when it appears as ‘AI/ML’ or ‘#AI’, like this request:


Some people find regular expressions are fun, and this includes the team at Dot Star Media. We’re happy to provide support and advice on getting your keywords working well. If we can help – please get in touch.

Josef Tyler joins Dot Star Media journalist request service

Joe Tyler


Joe Tyler

We’re pleased that Josef Tyler has agreed to join our team to help us deliver the best possible journalist request service for media professionals submitting enquiries and for subscribers receiving alerts.

Josef joins us from the well regarded (but now closed) service where he gained deep experience looking after media request selection and moderation.

Joe joining the team helps progress our plan to use the latest technology to build a modern media request service with these aims in mind:

Filter journalist request alerts by number of followers

In the Dot Star Media laboratories, we’re always trying new experiments to see what we can do to improve the relevance of enquiries you receive. Most don’t see light of day – rigorous testing disproves many theories. Sometimes, however, the results are good enough that they’re added for customers to use.

A recent theory was that follower count could be used as a rough proxy of how well a journalist is established, and their influence. With the idea that some organisations would prefer to respond to enquiries from more established journalists than those new to the beat. This idea was given some further weight with some feedback received on the service.

We’ve added a new subscriber filter option. The ‘journalist follower threshold’ allows a subscriber to filter journalist request alerts based on the number of followers a journalist has. It looks remarkably like this:

Journalist follower threshold setting

You may well be wondering what sort of effect this would have on the number of alerts received, so we spent time doing some calculations and produced a graph which demonstrates how effective this can be:

Chart showing affect of different follower thresholds on media request volumes

If you want to see the impact of each setting with your topics and keywords, choose a new journalist follower threshold and click ‘save’; you will then see how many requests would have come your way in the previous week:

Number of requests indicator

There are exceptions to the theory: specialist trade journalists, for example, so it’ll be a personal choice based on your circumstances ultimately.

See the effect of journorequest keyword filters on your media request feed

Keyword filters make your Dot Star Media journalist request feed more relevant by removing requests that don’t contain one of your keywords. Used well, keyword filtering will save you many hours a month.

The trouble is, choosing what your actual keywords should be isn’t always easy. If you don’t have the right keywords, you might miss out on relevant requests.

A subscriber asked us yesterday how they could test to see if they had missed out on any requests because of their keywords. We wanted to provide a straightforward way of doing this, so today have added a filter toggle to the Recent Enquiries page.

Toggle Keyword Filtering

Clicking the keyword filter button shows all the requests that would have been delivered without your keyword filtering in place.

This makes it easy to see if you have missed any requests due to keyword filtering. You can scan through these requests to identify words to add to, and improve, your keyword list.

To see if the Dot Star Media request service might work for your business please register for a self-service no obligation free trial.

Dot Star Media process diagram

Using the #journorequest hashtag or direct journalist requests to connect with sources

Connect with a large and diverse network of sources

Dot Star Media has built a large and diverse network of sources who can help journalists with their stories. Today there are over 600 organisations receiving requests. Journalists can use Dot Star Media to easily – and rapidly – ask questions and receive comment from hundreds of businesses, PRs, universities, and charities.

An example Media Request alert email

How journalists reach the Dot Star Media network

Subscribing organisations receive alerts by email or straight into their Slack or MSTeams software. We send thousands of individual alerts every day. Journalists wanting to connect with the Dot Star Media network can do so in two ways:

Use #journorequest

Include the hashtag #journorequest in your tweet. This makes it simple for anyone following the hashtag individually, and the various PR networks, including Dot Star Media, to pick up your request.

#journorequest screenshot

Submit a direct journalist enquiry

For requests that are too detailed for Twitter, or to simply access the Dot Star Media network outside of Twitter you can submit journalist requests directly using this media request form.

For security and efficiency, we won’t distribute your request until you have confirmed your email address via a ‘magic link’, so that replies go straight to you.

Journalist Request Form

Journorequest process diagram

This diagram summarises the system. Replies from sources to the journalist are made by email or Twitter. We don’t intercept or interfere in the reply process. We simply connect journalists with sources, and then get out of the way.

Dot Star Media process diagram

Graphic made with PowerPoint! – design not my strongest skill. Please get in touch us with any questions about how the Dot Star Media journalist enquiry service works.

Over 500 organisations responding to Dot Star Media journalist requests

We reached a new milestone last week: Over 500 different organisations – commercial, academic and not-for-profit – have now registered to receive journalists requests submitted through the Dot Star Media request form. New organisations are joining every week.

Building a diverse and representative network

The media works better when it represents a wide range of sources and journalists tell us that they want to hear from diverse voices. Our aim is to provide a service that meets the needs of the journalists submitting media requests just as much as it meets the needs of the organisations receiving them.

For this reason we’re committed to providing journalists with access to a diverse range of sources from a well-balanced network of recipients drawn from commercial, academic and not-for-profit organisations.




Public Relations

We’re attracting commercial businesses and academic institutions by offering fairly priced flexible subscriptions. Registered sources can switch topics when they please and to stop and start monthly subscriptions according to their current requirements.

To give not-for-profits an equal footing in accessing to journalist requests, and to help charities get their voice heard, we are providing the media request service to qualifying registered charities completely free of charge under our charities initiative.

Sending a journalist request

If you’re a journalist and would like to send a request to the Dot Star Media network, use the journalist enquiry submit form. It’s free to submit requests.

Hetzner: Environmentally sound hosting

When running a company like Dot Star Media, it’s impossible to get away from needing to run servers – quite a few servers. We have the corporate site (you’re on it now), we have the application site, and we have quite a few mailers to help you receive your enquiries within about 30 seconds of them appearing on social media.

All the servers need to be powered, and while our current hosting provider runs a decent service, they simply aren’t green, despite many people wishing they were.

At Dot Star Media, we care about our impact on society and the environment.

For society, we’re incredibly proud of our charity initiative, which is helping nearly 200 charities get media coverage for their causes.

For the environment, we pledge a percentage of our net profits each year to green causes but want to do more where we can. So this weekend we’re moving our entire hosting environment over to a new hosting provider – Hetzner Online.

Hetzner have been pioneers in using renewable energy to power their data centers; their German data centres – where we’re hosted – use hydro-power. Their hardware is chosen for energy efficiency too.

This weekend there will be intermittent access to our sites as we move our application. We’ll keep it as short as possible.

Searching for gold

When Dot Star Media was merely a twinkle in our eye, we decided it was to be ’email first’ and that there should be few reasons the website had to be used. This drove our design for super-fast email delivery (30 seconds, on average), and straight forward configuring of profile settings.

While over 90% of our customers use email primarily for their alerts (and that being the reason so many have been able to secure media coverage – they arrive so damn quickly!) some do prefer to keep an eye on the recent enquiries page instead, or take one of our digests.

However, as features were developed – especially keyword filtering – and closely integrated with the email alerts and the recent enquiries pages, we wanted a way for people to be able to search for journalist requests which fall outside of their keywords. Perhaps you’re taking on a new client whose interests fall outside of your existing remits – being able to search the archive of requests is massively useful in helping pick your keywords!

Having access to the archive opens up other opportunities. It’s easy to search for journalists who write about certain topics – and the enquiries will be enriched with additional information where we have it. Further more, as our enquiries are only from verified journalists, we’ve removed the significant noise component of searching directly on social media.

So that’s our most recent development. Search. Super simple (single word/phrase search) with choice of how far back you want to look. Currently available from the top of the search bar:

Enquiry Search